See real results through an evidence-based approach and get a physique you’re obsessed with.

I’ll be right here to coach and support you every step of the way so you start seeing progress now.

Work 1:1 with David (me)—

Finally get the body, the confidence, and the performance that you’ve been chasing.

This is exactly how to do it:

  1. Use a calorie calculator to get an approximation of how many calories your body needs each day.

  2. Create your deficit by subtracting the amount of calories less than you need, to lose weight at the rate you want.

  3. Eat that amount of calories every day (use a tracking app), course correcting as needed.

  4. Include 1.7g of protein per kg of bodyweight you have so that you protect your muscle (otherwise you won’t just lose fat, you’ll lose muscle too).

Now you know exactly what to do.

  • No more self-blame for another failed attempt at shedding the excess weight.

  • No more frustration at trying a new diet you heard about and not seeing results.

  • No more wondering why everyone else seems to be able to do it but you can’t.

…but if it was that easy, everyone would do it.

  • We’d all be waking up every day seeing our dream bodies meeting us in the mirror every morning.

  • Walking into every room with the confidence that only comes from knowing that you did the work to become the person you are.

  • Feeling energised and powerful every day because you took control of your health—and your body reflects that.

Here’s the thing…

You can absolutely have all of those things.

The problem isn’t you—it never has been. You just need to be shown the path to get there.

And who better to show you than someone who lost 30kg/66lbs themselves, and helps other people do it for a living too?

Just don’t make the same mistake I did.

Because I wasted years trying to figure everything out for myself, instead of just getting help from someone who professionally helps others get results.

So if you want to save yourself from wasting time and actually get that dream body for yourself…

Read on.

How we get you there:

Step 1: Define your goals.

  • We’ll start by defining what you actually want to achieve.

  • This gives you a target that actually means something to you and that you truly want to work towards.

Step 2: Create your roadmap.

  • Next, we want to create a plan to integrate what’s necessary to achieve your goals into your current lifestyle at a pace that works for you and your lifestyle.

Step 3: Level up your nutrition.

  • Once we have established your path forward so that you start seeing results ASAP, we will level up your nutrition game.

  • Just like anything else, nutrition isn’t a skill you’re born with, it’s something you get better at.

And lastly: I’ll support you every step of the way.

  • By having someone to be accountable with you’ll stay on track to making your goals a reality.

  • Every step of the way I’ll be right there with you to help you troubleshoot and make sure you get the results you deserve.

Here are some of my client’s successes:

Trisha lost 5kg in 10 weeks.

Trish didn’t want to give up eating out during the week (sometimes with a cocktail), so I created a nutrition plan and strategies that made it work for her.

Danny did a body recomp.

For Danny, we integrated his social life with a lean bulk so he could slim down and put on some muscle at the same time so he could have the best of both worlds.

Jesamine lost 5kg in 8 weeks.

I put a plan together for Jesamine that allowed her to maximise her “outside of work” time and helped her with workarounds that kept her on track.

Mariele lost 7kg through FLS.

Mariele was one of my first clients to go through my nutrition education platform and has lost 7kg over 12 weeks.

Alex lost 6kg through FLS.

Alex was another of my clients who went through my nutrition education platform. He’s now down 8kg in 12 weeks.

By the way:

FLS stands for Fat Loss School—it’s my nutrition education platform. More on that below!

You might have noticed there are no progress pictures here...

I know that’s very big in this industry, but my clients are happy not having to provide them and I believe you will be too.

Progress pictures are for you - not the whole internet.

What it’s like on the other side:

  • I had to try a lof of things to eventually learn the lessons that I did. But once I got it and put it into action, everything changed.

  • The feeling of walking into a room knowing that you’ve achieved your body goals, seeing who you want to be in the mirror every day…

  • What you imagine for yourself, how you imagine it feels—that’s how it feels.

I can’t push enough how much I want you to have this feeling.

You just can’t beat it.

Private Coaching

Alright, alright, alright, you made it to the good stuff. Here’s what you get:

Onboarding call

To discuss your goals, where you are in your journey, your experience so far and how fast you want to move.

Custom roadmap

Then I’m going to create a roadmap for you which will show you the timeline for when you hit your goals.

Nutrition strategy support

Everybody’s life is different and you are no different, so we’ll create workarounds for the challenges in yours.

Food and recipe tailoring

Can’t believe it’s taken this long to mention! I love food. And I can help you with yours, however you need.

Regular check-ins

To make sure you stay on track. Lots of options for the method and frequency (it will likely change too).

My personal WhatsApp

For any questions you have, for accountability. Anything that comes up, I’ll be here for you. We’ll make sure you succeed.

Bonus: FLS Membership

FLS stands for Fat Loss School—it’s the nutrition education platform I’ve built.

You’re going to be able to learn everything you need to know to play (and win!) the nutrition game every day.

Surprise! You get access to that too. It’s actually part of our strategy—and I think you’ll love it.

Fat Loss 101

Learn how fat loss works, including everything you need to put into action to start seeing results ASAP.

Building a strong nutritional foundation is essential to seeing short and long term results.

Recipe Hub

Get access to my online recipe book, as well as an index of other amazing resources for food you actually want to eat.

Set yourself up for success with good food.

Tools and Tricks

A section dedicated to tools, tricks and “no-nos” that I’ve picked up along the the way.

The kind of stuff that you just won’t find unless you know someone who’s done this for themselves or you speak to a coach/PT.

Intermediate Nutrition

Finally, lock in your results for the long haul by taking your understanding of nutrition to the next level.

Learn it once…

Have the knowledge (and results) forever.

This is my hybrid approach

    • With my expertise we’ll get you up and running quickly so you see results fast.

    • You’ll have someone to be accountable to so that you make sure you lock in and hit your goal(s).

    • My food brain will be at your disposal to help you find recipes, adapt food you love, and all other things nutrition.

    • You’ll have me available to you for whatever questions come up, or anything else I can help you with.

    • Go at your own pace to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing. By understanding the how and the why, you lock in results forever.

    • You can learn quickly since you won’t be constrained by how much money you’re willing to pay a coach/PT for extra face time.

    • If you want to deep dive into topics that go beyond the basics of fat loss, you’ll have my nutrition brain available at the click of a button.

$199* per month.

That’s it. But not for long. *USD

My money-back guarantee

If you’re not happy after the first month, we’ll stop and I’ll refund you—no questions asked.

I’m 100% confident I can help you achieve your goals.

A quick, personal note from me.

One of the reasons I started doing this was because I struggled for years. All in all, over a decade.

If someone had been able to reach me, I would have been willing to pay a hell of a lot more than $199 a month.

I’ll never get all the energy and years of my life back messing around, thinking I somehow knew better... (I didn’t).

This is your chance to not make the same mistake as me - and enjoy ALL the benefits that come with the body you want so much sooner than I got to.

That’s it—get clicking!

And I’ll see you on the other side. You can do this, I’ve got you.

Still having doubts? In my last life I was a Data Management Consultant.

Proven methods and data driven decisions only.

Let’s get you your body.

If you’ve gotten this far, it’s time.